Benchmark Blast

Benchmark Blast

0 Points

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Monthly Challenge

Below are the skills needed to qualify for the Benchmark Blast Badge.  Please review the skills and complete those you have not yet done this school year.  There are also a few specific requirements for your badge submission outlined at the end of the document.  

Benchmark Blast:

1. Look at your Student Benchmark Data (or beginning of the year assessment, checkpoint, where are your students now)

2.  Determine on which standard(s) do a group of students show  gaps in achievement data?

  1. What is/are the gap(s) you notice (which standards – please describe briefly)
  2. What data supports your conclusion that there is a gap (be specific please)
  3. How do you plan to address those gaps through intervention? (Describe your plan for intervention for these students.)



Submission Requirements

Please make sure to cover the following topics when submitting for the  Benchmark Blast Badge.  Feel free to share any other feedback as well!

  1. What is/are the gap(s) you notice (which standards – please describe briefly)
  2. What data supports your conclusion that there is a gap (be specific please)
  3. How do you plan to address those gaps through intervention? (Describe your plan for intervention for these students.)